Fantasy Spas Cool Step Sand

Fantasy® Spas The Cool Step

Step Into a Better Hot Tubbing Experience.

The Cool Step features a fully-insulated top step designed to keep drinks cold while you hot tub. You can also use it as a storage space for towels, toys and more. Put the lid on and it’s the most functional step for easy access to your hot tub.  Made from the same material and colors as your Fantasy Spas, the Cool Step is the perfect addition to your spa!



Outer Dimensions

28”L x 32”W x 15”H

Cooler Dimensions

7.25”L x 22”W x 10.5”H


22.5 lbs.


Rugged rotationally molded construction


Full foam insulation of the top step and cover/lid


Sand or Taupe

Compatible with

Enamor, Enamor Premier, Entice, Embrace & Aspire

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(434) 973-7433